No mandatory monthly payments. A great way to improve your retirement. Receive cash for any reason. Line of credit that grows annually. Retain ownership of your home. Loan proceeds are tax free. Insurance premiums for long term care.

Howell Reverse Mortgages

If you are a senior living in Howell, struggling to afford retirement, it may be time to look into a reverse mortgage with David Blatt.

david blatt mortgage

David Blatt

NMLS: #114358

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    Howell, Michigan Reverse Mortgage Lender

    In Livingston County, trust David Blatt and Reverse Mortgages of Michigan to guide you through exploring reverse mortgages. Whether you’re located in Webberville, Fowlerville, or any surrounding area, David’s expertise can be at your service.

    David is a consummate professional with over 30 years of experience in the lending industry, and a seasoned specialist in reverse mortgages. For more than half of his career, he’s been dedicated to helping Michigan retirees achieve financial security through these innovative loans.

    David understands the financial concerns that keep Baby Boomers up at night, and how a reverse mortgage can bring peace of mind and allow them to truly enjoy their golden years. His friendly and approachable demeanor will quickly put you at ease, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience throughout the process.

    What is a reverse mortgage?

    Facing financial challenges and the prospect of selling your cherished home? A reverse mortgage might be the solution you’ve been looking for. This innovative loan offers a lifeline for seniors house-rich, but cash-poor. For homeowners 62 and older with sufficient home equity, a reverse mortgage flips the script on traditional mortgages. Instead of you paying the bank, the bank pays you! This financial boost allows you to stay put in your familiar surroundings and enjoy a more comfortable retirement.

    Reverse mortgages offer flexibility in how you access your funds. Choose from regular monthly payments, a line of credit for ongoing needs, or even a lump sum payment. The best part? There’s no requirement to repay the loan until you sell your home or the last surviving borrower passes away, as long as the loan terms are met. Let your home work for you in retirement and enjoy peace of mind!

    Howell residents are particularly well-positioned to benefit. Home values have skyrocketed 13.6% in the past year, reaching an average of $340,998 (source: With 218 current reverse mortgage holders and 20 new customers in the last year, it’s clear that many Howell homeowners are finding this program valuable.

    About Howell, Michigan

    Originally known as Livingston Center, the village of Howell was laid out in 1835 by Flavius Crane and Edward Brooks and named after Thomas Howell, a friend of Crane’s.

    The city lies 55 miles northeast of Detroit and with a population of around 10,000 people that has grown steadily throughout its history.

    Locals embrace the Michigan Challenge Fest, a hot-air balloon festival, each year on the third weekend in June.

    The Howell Melon Festival also holds court for three days every August while the Howell Fantasy of Lights Parade is celebrated every year, the day after Thanksgiving.

    Howell’s MainStreet Winery and Eternity Brewing are also popular with locals and visitors alike.

    Contact your Howell reverse mortgage lender today

    David Blatt and his Reverse Mortgages of Michigan team are excited by the opportunity to discuss all of your refinancing needs with you.

    If you think a reverse mortgage is worth considering, call David today on (248) 763-1438. It may just change your life! 

    Licensed to do business in the State of Michigan Arizona California Colorado Florida Tennessee

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    and case studies

    Gain valuable insights from my research and case studies on reverse mortgages and home loans.


    Who Qualifies for A Reverse Mortgage?

    Reverse mortgages offer a valuable financial solution for retirees seeking to access their home equity without selling their property.


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